'SERVICE BEFORE SELF is the motto, which impregnates the entire educational setup in all our school.

The School is managed by a registered body viz, which is famous for eminent education of the times of Mahatma Budh. The Nalanda Convent School is recognized from dept. of education, Delhi vide letter Registered no. DE/15/ACT-1/2013/9219 It is an English medium co-educational institute, which provides facilities in NEP pattern.
The school endeavours not only to achieve high standard in every sphere of school life, but also to improve the quality of life and to meet the challenging demands of the pattern of society. It places greater emphasis on discipline, character formation, house system, individual attention, remedial guidance and on development of linguistic dexterity, scientific spirit, social and moral values.


The Library hall is big spacious and equipped with good storages and display furniture. It has large collection of books on various subjects available for different age groups. There are encyclopedia and latest reference books on all subjects. Efforts are made to create and promote the reading habits among the students. For the sake open shelf system has been adopted where students can have direct access to the books. Books are issued for carrying home. The library is fully digital. .


Games and sports are essential part of our educational training to develop over all personality of the child. There is intra class, inter house and inter school matches and sports competitive spirit and a change for opening of budding talent. Special effort is made to give student extra coaching in football, cricket etc. by eminent coaches.


In order to provide fair participation of students, the school has been divided into houses. It helps in developing leadership qualities and self confidence in the students. The sense of belongingness to the house and the institution is also inculcated.


The annual exam result is based on a continuous. comprehensive evaluation of assessment. It includes weekly unit tests, assignments and projects, Term I Exam and the Term II Exam. Proportionate marks are taken into account while computing final result.


A healthy body keeps a healthy mind. The school has its own dispensary and help by our experienced doctor teams. Regular medical check ups are done for all students from time to time. Lectures, workshops are also arranged with doctors from reputed hospitals,


No education is complete unless and until it out the capabilities to think independently and rationally. Sensitivity and creativity are its outcome in various moods be it in various forms and shades, like a rainbow, it reflects the various moods be it in science, literature, arts, music, or theater. With this aim a number of hobbies and co-curricullar activities such as dramatics, debates, elocution, painting, handicrafts, singing, dancing and instrumental music are pursude in the school. The children have been winning a number of prizes at inter school, zonal, national and international competitions.

Nalanda Convent School

Nursery - 10th( Recognized)

The N.C.S. is open to all, irrespective of community. c In additional to imparting education of a high quality in a emphasis is laid on character building, national integration inculcation of patriotic spirit and creation of a secular outlook. N.C.S.

Also aims to promote equality and social values such as Specific India's common cultural heritage, democracy, secularism, protection of the environment, removal of social barriers etc. The school seeks Realistic to develop the talents of the child to the full by following modern pedagogic methods.

Children are the greatest asset of the nation. To focus on the development of the individuality of the Child individual attention is paid to each student.

Holistic nature of child development viz., Health, ethical, moral, social, mental, physical artistic and emotional development is fully recognized. We also develop confidence in student. We overpower on struggle because we think, if we overpower on struggle we gain confidence, if we gain confidence the success will be on our feet.


The School employs well-trained and experienced teachers for all subjects & besides there are specialist coaches for games and Special educators, lab assistant, librarian etc.
Students are expected to maintain excellent both inside and outside of school. They shall be supplied with a copy of the school rules in admission, breach of school rules may result in disciplinary action inclusive expulsing or rustication from the school. The school reserves the right to make changes in these rules at any time which will be notified to the students for compliance.